Are you struggling to improve your grade in A-level Economics?
Do you need help with mastering the course content or exam technique?
Having tutored over 1000 hours in economics, I’ve helped several students improve their grade in Edexcel A-Level Economics A.
As a result, I have seen students’ Economics A-level grades jump from B to an A* or from an E to an A.
Now, I want to pass on the best of my teaching to as many students as possible.
So, I have created these online courses for Edexcel A-level Economics A and AQA Economics A-level.
Benefits of the online course
- Level up your exam technique.
- Get the essay structures right. Whether it’s a 25 mark question or a medium length 15 marker, the course will show you how to structure your response, with examples.
- Content mastery for the exam. Learn from content revision videos for the most difficult topics on the AQA or Edexcel Economics A course.
- Better evaluation and analysis. Learn how to reach top level evaluation and analysis. With several example points and guides to write your own points.
- See how it’s done – Example past paper responses (the 2022 papers 1 and 2, and some miscellaneous questions from the 2021 AQA papers). So you know what a top level answer looks like and what to aim for.
- Extra practice to reinforce your learning. Extra worksheets with additional practice questions and activities to test yourself.
- Be more confident going into economics exams.
Price: £39 (one off payment)
Click this blue button to check out the product:
What does this course look like?
Here is a sample picture of what the courses looks like, after you enter.
This picture is from the Edexcel A course, but the AQA course looks very similar:

Who are you?
I am Tom, an economist turned tutor, turned economics educator.
Through this website, I help students improve their understanding of economics.
I focus a lot on A-level Economics students, including the Edexcel Economics A and AQA exam boards. As a result, I have 1000+ hours of experience tutoring students in Economics A-level.
To read more about me, see the link here.
Where can I find reviews?
“I bought the AQA Exam Technique course and it has done wonders for me. I’ve gone from Level 3 on my 25 markers and during my mock hit Level 4 answers with one achieving 20/25, the top of Level 4. I can’t recommend the course enough as Tom uses concise examples as well as the availability of exemplars to demonstrate how to Analyse and Evaluate.” Bowie, student taking the AQA A-level Economics style exam technique course.
“What stood out to me was the ability of the course to clearly address what each type of question requires, along with applicable sample essays that made it even easier to understand the way that quality answers should look like. Also, the section that deals with “Difficult topics that most students get wrong,” was really helpful as I obtained extra support in the areas which require my extra attention.” Ed, reviewing the AQA A-level Economics style exam technique course.
To see reviews and testimonials, see the link here.
What is the course content?
You can find the course content at the link here
Who is this course for / not for?
For Edexcel Economics A or AQA Economics A level students who are willing to put in the hard work and to pay attention.
Not for Edexcel Economics B nor for Edexcel Economics international. Not for the Oxford international exam board.
The online video lectures demand your focus. Effort, through practice questions, is needed to ingrain the lessons into your mind for the exam.
In addition to watching the videos, I recommend making notes and attempting the practice questions set.
You should also do lots of past paper questions and revise outside of the course – the course is best used in addition to the revision that students would do anyway.
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